Generator projects

 I really liked this program and how my pictures turned out when I designed them. You can easily save your pictures to your desktop without having to take a screenshot of it, unlike the other pictures. One of the major concerns i have about this generator is that there is not a place where you can edit the colors or thickness of lines, it only lets you work with the styles provided. Other than that, this was one of my favorite generators to use and i would definitely use it again.

 This generator was one of the best and coolest generator to use when I was going through all of the generators. This one lets you adjust the color, mirroring, centering, and much more. You can create so many different and cool designs that you can't have two of the same design. You can't save your pictures to your desktop, you can only take a screenshot, which is disappointing. But, this was my favorite generator to use out of all of them and if you want to have a lot of fun designing cool pictures, than this is the generator to use.

 In this generator, you could make your very own snowflake. In my experience, it took me a while to get used to how to make a snowflake that i liked. But once i got the hang of it, I was really impressed with the results of each of my snowflakes. Like others, you can only take screenshots to save your pictures, and the box to edit in is really small, but I liked using this generator. I wouldn't use it again, but I am glad that I got to see how it worked.

 This generator was really cool to use and I was really surprised on how the result of it looked. At first I was confused on the purpose of this generator and how to use it. Eventually, it got a lot easier and it was fun to try out the different settings that they had. You also could only take a screen shot of the work you made, but it shows up really big and the image turns out nicely. I would definitely use this program again and try out a few more designs on this generator.
